Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Most Persuasive Essay Topics on Religion

The Most Persuasive Essay Topics on ReligionWhat are the most persuasive essay topics on religion? This is a question that I have often asked myself. For me, there has always been an interesting paradox about religion and many of the world's religions.Religion is often seen as something that happened in the past and nothing more than a minor distraction from what you should be doing to better understand religious history. For me, this is a farce. I am convinced that the discussion of religions can be productive and enlightening for the future.It seems to me that religion and our fascination with it has been used by people as a way to make money. By enticing us with a sense of spirituality and mysticism, these religions have worked to their advantage. They have helped to sell products, services and ideas. They have also motivated us to act on behalf of religion.Let's look at some specific examples. Lets look at a church that believes in flying beings that are believed to live on other planets in the universe. Now, if you talk to a Christian church about the possible existence of such beings, you may get the best explanations that there is, but let's say for argument's sake that they are indeed not.If you talk to a church that believes in these extraterrestrial beings, you may hear things like 'If you believe in aliens and you believe there are intelligent beings who visit your planet, then why would God allow harm to come to his son Jesus?' Obviously this gives someone an explanation for what happened on earth and why Jesus was born in the first place. Of course it takes on a different form for each person but I believe it is a fair assumption.Now lets look at a Catholic church that says that there is a hell that is worse than this world that we know of and that we are going to go to for eternity. Now, if you talk to a Christian church about this subject, you may hear about an 'eternal damnation' because Jesus died on the cross for your sins.These are two of the many examples that I could give about how the church can be misused to help religious groups gain leverage. Now the Christian church has been doing this for a long time. In fact, the apostles tried to establish a real Gospel that their followers should believe so that the world would turn to God and worship the cross for its goodness.I think this is a controversial topic, but I would argue that it is not against the rules of logic. I think it is up to us to stop the abuse. We should always remember the words of St. Francis of Assisi 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth'.

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